Monday, November 7, 2011

Why I Don't Go to the Rec Center

  1. This guy. (see picture above)
  2. Bad Technique - it makes me want to vomit because of how it looks, and what is about to happen to that joint.
  3. Bench and Bi's - the one time I went to the Rec, the first 7 guys I saw walk in there did either bench or bicep work as soon as they walked in.
  4. Wife Beaters/Cut-Offs - every frat boy wears a wife beater or cut-off to workout. Don't wear one unless you bench at least 1.5 times your body weight or can squat at least twice your body weight. PS - nobody cares about your skinny arms.
  6. Screaming with Light Weight on the Bar - enough said.
  7. Spotting on Accessory Lifts - if you can't lift it, put it down.
  8. No You Can't Work In, You Are Weak! - I'm not going to slow my session down to take weight off so you can get back to flexing your calves in the mirror.
  9. Gloves - put the lotion away and get some man-hands. Your hands may be soft, but I'll still kick your butt and steal your girlfriend.
  10. Curls in the Squat Rack - its called a "Squat Rack" for a reason. Figure it out.
  11. "Trainers" telling me I'm doing something wrong - DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?! Before you say anything, prepare to shut up. Don't get me started.
  12. No I will not help you rub tanning lotion on.
  13. Who wears hair gel to workout?
  14. If you have skinny legs, do something about it, other than wear sweat pants.
  15. You don't need a pre-workout shake to do that weak workout.
  16. I'm not working out. I'm training.
  17. No I'm not on Steroids.
  18. No I will not write you a program.
  19. Squatting past parallel will not hurt my knees.
  20. People taking 10 minutes between sets to parade around and look at girls.
  21. Stop flexing, you are about to pull something.

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